トヤマタクロウによるPhoto Zineが発売されます。


トヤマタクロウによるPhoto Zineが発売されます。
トヤマタクロウによるPhoto Zineが発売されます。

「mitsume China Tour 2023」に帯同したトヤマタクロウが同ツアーにて撮影した写真をまとめた、「mitsume China TOUR from August 30th to September 4th, 2023.」が発売されます。

mitsume China TOUR from August 30th to September 4th, 2023. / Takuroh Toyama
210mm x 148mm
140 ページ
300 部限定
2,200 円(税込)
発売:2023 年 10 月 中国ツアーで先行販売後、日本国内でも販売予定


mitsume China TOUR from August 30th to September 4th, 2023.
210 x 148 mm
140 pages
Edition of 300 copies, published in October 2023
Photography by Takuroh Toyama
Published by mitsume
RMB 100 yuan
Pre-sale on tour in China from October 2023.
All photos were taken in the “mitsume CHINA TOUR 2023”
from August 30th to September 4th, 2023.
We visited Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, and Shanghai.

Takuroh Toyama @takurohtoyama
Born in Miyazaki Prefecture in 1988. his activities have been centralized around
exhibiting and production of photo books. He also takes on commission work with a
focus on art, music and fashion. He met Mitsume in 2011 and began taking photos of
them and creating their album covers. Photo books include Devenir (2021) and
NewHabitations from North to East 11 years after 3.11 (2023), and exhibitions
include Devenir 2022/11/11–11/27 (Ao-hata Bookstore, 2022).
